Opening at the Sheen Center for Thought and Culture in Greenwich Village on May 19 will be the production of “Three Sisters, A new adaptation of a Chekhov,” adapted by director Will Pomerantz. Actress and one of the “(Misha) sisters” is Amanda Kristin Nichols. Reports say that her “Misha” performance will be another huge brick in her career's upward trajectory.
Will Pomerantz has confessed that studying and understanding Chekhov is a “passion.” Pomerantz, the Assistant Artistic Director of The Bay Street Theater in Sag Harbor is known for his surprising adaptations that bring clarity and a new relevance to traditional plays without touching their authenticity.
Amanda Kristin Nichols, who just had a small role in an episode of NBC's New Amsterdam, has had major roles with Bay Street Productions such as “The Last Night of Ballyhoo,” along with “Great Gatsby.” Her films include 'House of Teeth', along with 'Saturday in the Park'.
Her mother Barbara Kushner, wife of Paul Kushner of Sag Harbor is very proud of her daughter. He plans to be there on opening night with many family friends. Amanda is proud of her mom's strength to win and overcome some recent medical obstacles. Many believe that there is a lot of mother in daughter, especially in the power and energy department.
Director Will Pomerantz also said he is excited to work with this “Amazing cast.” Expect great performances from John Ahlin, Silvia Bond, Essence Brown, Harrison Brown, Miles G. Jackson, Nehal Joshi, Tom Patterson, Elizabeth Ramos, Tommy Schrider, Jean Tagler as well as Amanda Kristin Nichols.
The show opens May 10 and runs through June 5 at the Sheen Center for Thought & Culture, 18 Bleeker St. Greenwich Village in New York.